An anti-Islam protest in England
After 9/11 there has been a steady rise in anti-Arab and anti-Islam sentiment in the west, this has been spread because of the counter-jihad movement which has grown significantly in recent years, but it begs the question; who owns these outlets?
Well today we're gonna answer that question, and it's a lot more sinster than civilian activism to protest against foreign terrorism - it has a clear cut ideology behind it that becomes far more apparent when you do a deep dive into the contents and owners of these
One of these most persistent and widely known outlets is the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) which claims itself to be a nonprofit and independent organization, but that is entirely not the case as the organization has many connections to Israel and the
Zionist agenda in general, the organization was started by former Israeli military intelligence officer Yigal Carmon and Israeli-American political scientist Meyrav Wurmser, the organization is located in D.C. itself; these claims are backed up by an archived version of the about me section from 1998, but has since been deleted. let's take a look at it, since these are the original members that were in the organization when it was first founded.
The original staff of MEMRI
So as you can see; four of the five original staff have Zionist connections, Yigal Carmon being not only a member of the IDF but an advisor to Ariel Sharon (11th Prime Minister of Israel) and Yitzhak Rabin (5th Prime Minister of Israel).
Meyrav Wurmser was a Zionist neocon that wrote numerous pro-Israel articles, was behind the production of of the Clean Break document that advocated for preemptive war against Syria and Iraq, and a member of the board of advisors for the Endowment for Middle East Truth, the group that made and produced 'Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West', a movie that promoted the idea that Islamism was the biggest threat to
the western world and compared Islam to WWII-era Nazi Germany, advocating for the destruction of all Muslim and Arab countries in the process.
Yotam Feldner was a member of the IDF military intelligence branch before becoming an Arabic translator for MEMRI in 1998.
Aluma Solnick, much like Feldner, is a former member of the IDF military intelligence branch that later joined MEMRI in 1998.
Four out of five of the original members of MEMRI were all related with the Israeli government or the Zionist agenda at some point, if this doesn't cast major doubts on the claim of MEMRI being an unbiased, nonpartisan and nonprofit organizaton then I don't know
what will, personally I think this speaks for itself; but we're not done here, as there's far more wrong with MEMRI than the clear connections to the Israeli government. Many have questioned the accuracy of MEMRI translations as they more often than not are
questionable at best, this is best seen with the case of Hani al-Sibai who was brought to discuss the 7/7 bombings on Al Jazeera, because of this interview he was listed by the US government as a Specially Designated National by
the US Treasury Department for his alleged support of Al-Qaeda, the MEMRI translation tried to paint Sibai as a supporter of Islamic terrorism that praised the bombings. The MEMRI translation reads as follows:
"The term 'civilians' does not exist in Islamic religious law. Dr Karmi is sitting here, and I am sitting here, and I'm familiar with religious law. There is no such term as 'civilians' in the modern Western sense. People are either at war or not.
This translation very clearly tries to paint Sibai as a pro-terror Islamic radical that supported the 7/7 bombings that killed 56 and wounded 784, which would be clear cut proof for his support for Islamic terrorism; but there's one problem with this translation, that being it was intentionally translated in a way that removes context from the quote and paints a later unflattering image of both Sibai and Al Jazeera, an accurate translation for what Sibai actually said can be found here.
"There is no term in Islamic jurisprudence called 'civilians'. Dr Karmi is here sitting with us, and he's very familiar with the jurisprudence. There are fighters and non-fighters. Islam is against the killing of innocents. The innocent man cannot be killed according to Islam."
With full context provided to the quote it's clear that what Sibai said during this interview is not infact support for Islamic terrorism and a praising of the 7/7 bombings but rather a condemning of the actions carried out that day by highlighting that the
Islamic faith doesn't permit the killing of civilians, this a gross and intentional mistranslation of the interview and it throws a major wrench into the credibility of MEMRI as a whole and makes you wonder how many of their translations are inaccurate.
Another major hasbara and anti-Islam website is the Jewish Internet Defense Force, which has been scrubbed from the web in recent years and even intentionally excluded from the waybackmachine as a way to hide the contents of the website; but luckily the website has
been archived on, an archive of the homepage can be found here.
What is the JIDF hiding?
Nearly everyone is aware of the hasbara that the JIDF spread, nearly becoming an injoke among members of numerous parts of the internet due to how blatant they were in the spreading of pro-Israel and Zionist propaganda, but one thing that's never mentioned is their promotion of anti-Muslim sentiment, according to a report from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a German news outlet. The JIDF frequently linked to a site called ''; which is a rather interesting website to say the least. But let's take a look at that article, translated from German:
"The JIDF also openly pursues a political agenda. Many of its current members protested in 2005 against the eviction of Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip - this policy of trading land for peace was wrong. Ultimately, the JIDF also wants to 'spread Jewish values on the Internet.' So it comes to pass that the self-proclaimed fighters against online hatred link their own homepage to a dubious site called The name is pure sarcasm. The site portrays Muhammad as a proponent of murder and pedophilia, paints a picture of Islam as a religion of hate, and compares it to the Ku Klux Klan or the Spanish Inquisition - with the clear conclusion that Islam is much worse." is a rather infamous anti-Muslim website that promotes a clear cut idea that Arabs and Muslims are violent savages who know nothing but murder and cannot be reasoned with. Naturally as a result the website is also incredibly pro-Israel and pro-Zionist, so let's take a look at the website itself.
Taken from the frontpage of the website
On the frontpage it shows this - a comparsion between Jews and Muslims, with the clear cut idea that Muslims are inferior to Jews. Already a rather biased statement but it grows more obvious from here as there's an entire
section on the website that claims Palestinians are living in excess wealth and amazing living conditions given to them by Israelis, that Palestinians are ungrateful for these amazing living conditions and that Gaza and the West Bank aren't occupied territories
(despite being considered as such by numerous international and humanitarian organizations) and that all claims of Palestinians living in poor conditions are just lying, and that all people who say otherwise are lying as well.
I honestly don't need to say any more than this as the page speaks for itself about it's pro-Israel and pro-Zionist message, the fact that the JIDF links to this website as well that promotes hate speech is incredibly ironic since they claim to combat hatred on the
internet, while also propagating it themselves. But we all know that hypocrisy is the Zionist agenda.
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