1964 - In Italy the secret stay-behind army Gladio is involved in a silent coup d’état when General Giovanni de Lorenzo in Operation Solo forces the Italian Socialist Ministers to leave the government.
1969 - In Mocambique the Portugese stay-behind army Aginter Press assassinates Eduardo Mondlane, President of the Mocambique liberation party and leader of the FRELIMO movement (Frente de Liberacao de Mocambique).
1969 - In Italy the Piazza Fontana massacre in Milano kills sixteen and injures and maimes 80 and is blamed on the left. Thirty years later during a trial of right-wing extremists General Giandelio Maletti, former head of Italian counter-intelligence, claims that the massacre had been carried out by the Italian stay-behind army and right wing terrorists on the orders of the US secret service Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in order to discredit the Italian Communists.
Aftermath of the bombing at Banca Nazionale dell'Agricoltura
1977 - In Turkey the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla attacks a demonstration of 500,000 in Istanbul by opening fire at the speaker's platform leaving thirty-eight killed and hundreds injured.
Civilians running from the scene of the shooting
1977 - In Spain the secret stay-behind army with support of Italian right-wing terrorists carries out the Atocha massacre in Madrid and in an attack on a lawyer's office closely linked to the Spanish Communist party kill five people.
A dead body under a sheet after the deadly bombing
1984 - In Turkey the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla fights against the Kurds and kills and tortures thousands in the following years.
1985 - In Belgium a secret army attacks and shoots shoppers in supermarkets randomly in the Brabant county killing twenty-eight and leaving many wounded. Investigations link the terror to a conspiracy among the Belgian stay-behind SDRA8, the Belgian Gendarmerie SDRA6, the Belgian right-wing group Westland New Post, and the Pentagon secret service Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
For further information on Operation Gladio I highly recommend watching the following movie, released in 1992 it covers the extent of Gladio rather impressively and it's very worthy of more attention and praise than it's given credit for: