The Broad Arrow Cafe shortly before it's destruction
According to the official story on April 28th, 1996 a 28 year old man named Martin Bryant went on a shooting spree around the Port Arthur region of Tasmania after killing David and Noelene Martin; killing 35 and wounding 23
- but a lot of people in Australia as well as abroad began to quickly ask questions about the massacre in a critical light, so let's do our own dive into the rabbithole that surrounds this massacre.
The first detail that should be mentioned is that the massacre happened across the Port Arthur Historic Site, including; the Broad Arrow Cafe, a gift shop located outside, the toll booth, carpark, service station and finally a property at Seascape.
The Port Arthur massacre travel route
A map of the Port Arthur Historic Site
The travel route shows that from the Seascape property to the Port Arthur Historic Site would take a total of 5 minutes to get there and drive back, the entire event took roughly 22 minutes whereas the actual shooting itself happened in 12 minutes, when you
subtract the time needed for travel, for this to have happened it would require either a lot of practice as it's much harder to hit moving targets than stationary ones, but with the ballistics of the Broad Arrow Cafe shooting it's clear that there's
something strange about the event, take a look for yourself.
According to ballistics reports used at the trial of Martin Bryant regarding the massacre at the Broad Arrow Cafe (where 20 victims were killed
and 12 were wounded) the following table can be constructed:
Total time | Total shots fired | Total deaths | Total wounded | Total headshots | Killed to Wounded |
15 seconds | 17 | 20 | 12 | 11 | 1.6 to 1 |
So if we take the shots fired to deaths ratio it comes out as 1.1 to 1 - all of this was achieved in a total of fifteen seconds, that's more noteworthy is that the shot which was fired at 66 year old Walter Bennett passed through his body and hit 67 year old
Raymond Sharp, the same bullet killing both of them; the weapon that was used during the Broad Arrow Cafe shooting was a Colt AR15 fed by
.223 Remington rounds. Considering all of this it certainly brings into question whether or not Martin Bryant was simply framed for the attack or he was a police shooter.
A total of 32 people were hit (20 dead and 12 wounded), and a total of 17 shots that would mean a total of 1.8 people were hit with each shot fired inside of the Cafe itself, so it's clear that the same bullets killed or wounded more than one
person when considering the overall amount of confirmed hits.
One last thing I want to mention about the Broad Arrow Cafe is that Byrant loaded his 30 round magazine with only 28 rounds but a total of 29 spent shellcasings were found in the Cafe after he killed
two people with two shots at the seascape property, and with a total of 17 shots being fired it's something that doesn't quite add up when put under immense scrutiny.
But there are conflicting reports regarding this as ballistics reports from the New South Wales Police states that 29 shots were fired; this is an error of 12 shots and is questionable at best knowing that the police ballistics report was used during Bryant's trial
- to make it even stranger court documents say later that only 12 were killed after saying that only 20 were killed, as showcased above. This strange detail around the event should be noted.
A diagram of the Broad Arrow Cafe from the police investigation
The shooting at the Port Arthur Historic Site lasted a total of 12 minutes, 32 people dying and 19 being wounded, considering this that means a total of 2.6 people died every minute during the shooting spree and 1.5 were wounded every minute, from this information another table can be constructed for the entire massacre across the Port Arthur Historic Site:
Total time | Total deaths | Total wounded | Total headshots | Killed to Wounded |
12 minutes | 32 | 19 | 15 | 1.6 to 1 |
Another thing to add is that the below images are some of the only proof that Bryant was the shooter, the blurry CCTV footage outside of the Broad Arrow Cafe makes it clear that someone was there but it's ultimately not definitive proof that it was Bryant.
A person outside of the Broad Arrow Cafe which is said to be Bryant
Another still image of supposedly the same person outside of the Broad Arrow Cafe
When going further into the case it's seen that the entire shooting spree, which lasted a total of 22 minutes, ended with an 18 hour standoff with the police at the Seascape guesthouse where he had
taken 35 year old Glenn Pears hostage and killed him shortly before finally setting the house ablaze with the intent to die in the fire, the part which doesn't make sense about this angle is that
Bryant ran from the building whilst on fire which allowed him to be arrested by the police. So some have questioned whether or not Bryant set the fire or the police did in an attempt to end the standoff or lead him to be arrested and framed for the massacre.
Another detail which makes people question is that in the official court case when Bryant was given a mandatory psychological evaluation it was revealed that he had an IQ of 68, making him mentally
retarded according to the Human Rights Watch website regarding the condition, since Bryant had an IQ below 70 this gave him the learning capabilities of a 3rd grader, so in terms of learning he was the same as an 8 year old child.
Perhaps the most important detail is that in 1987 the Premier of New South Wales Barrie Unsworth stormed out of the national gun summit, saying and I quote: "It will take a massacre in Tasmania before we
get gun reform in Australia." - combine this with the fact that a redesign of the gun laws in Australia was prepared in 1995 for a meeting of police ministers in Launceston but was ultimately rejected by Tasmania it
makes this event even more convenient for the current political agenda being pushed at the time as a massacre happened exactly in Tasmania, just like Unsworth said in 1987; implying that since Tasmania didn't want strict gun laws a mass shooting was inevitable.
A book that is widely spread regarding the Port Arthur shootings is 'Deadly Deception at Port Arthur: Scientific Evidence Questions
Australia's Port Arthur Massacre' - the book was published in 1997 and distributed for free on the internet; the book isn't perfect and even contains some outdated information but it is a good starting place for looking at the shooting in a more critical sense.
The cover of the book
So was Bryant a trained officer? A patsy? Maybe there were numerous shooters involved in the operation as opposed to just one like is pushed in the official narrative, but again it's up for you to decide what you believe.
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